More than 130 ship plans
from François-Edmond Pâris
Souvenirs de Marine

than 130 ship plans are featured in
“Selected Plates from Souvenirs de Marine.
Our book on the work of François-Edmond Pâris is now available! Our book “Selected Plates from Souvenirs de Marine” contains more than 90 plates from Souvenirs de marine. Collection de plans ou dessins de navires et de bateaux anciens ou modernes existants ou disparus avec les éléments numériques nécessaores à leur construction.
More than 130 ship plans are included ranging from ancient vessels to late 19th Century. There are warships, merchant vessels, fishing vessels, and small craft from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the U.S. To make it easier to find the content you are interested in, we have indexed the plates by plate number, illustrated vessel type, named vessel, and by country/region.
The book also includes an appendix written by author James Hitchcock titled “How to Read a Ship Plan” to help the novice understand the lines used to illustrate in two dimensions the shape of a three-dimensional ship. There is also an added biography of François-Edmond Pâris and an anthology we’ve collected of all his naval publications.
Books Available From The Model Shipwright

Souvenirs de Marine by
François-Edmond Pâris