Getting Started in Model Ship Building?
Building a kit is a good way to start before tackling scratch-building
For the beginning ship modeler, scratch-building a ship model from a
plan can be a daunting challenge. A better option for a first project in
most cases is to pick from the vast array of ship model kits available
There are a number of international, and a few U.S. ship model kit manufacturers, and they are constantly coming out with new offerings that set a ship modeler’s mind racing with possibilities. There are kits available for everything from single-masted sloops that could be finished in a weekend or two, to full ships-of-the-line that could easily occupy a modeler for an entire winter of building. But, while model ship kit manufacturers are constantly introducing new kits, and adding more detailed models to their lineup, all model ship kits fall into three basic categories, based on hull construction technique: Solid hull; Plank-on-bulkhead; and Plank-on-frame.
For a review of these basic ship model kit types, see our page Types of Ship Model Kits
Books Available From The Model Shipwright

Souvenirs de Marine by
François-Edmond Pâris