Award-winning R-class Sloop Pirate
Pinnacle of West Coast Yacht Design
Best Existing Example of its Type
For a change of pace from our ship plans, we’ve put up construction drawings for the R-class sloop Pirate. Presently owned by The Center for Wooden Boats, R-boat Pirate is the best existing example of the R-class yachts. Constructed in 1926 by Lake Union Dry Dock of Seattle, Washington, from plans by L.E. “Ted” Geary, Pirate embodies the pinnacle of yacht design and construction in the Seattle area in the early 20th century.
From the summer through the winter of 2009, The Center for Wooden Boats documented R-Boat Pirate through a grant from 4Culture. The documentation produced was used to create a new interpretation exhibit on-site to emphasize the center’s mission to interpret Northwest small craft history.
Books Available From The Model Shipwright

Souvenirs de Marine by
François-Edmond Pâris