Midwest Products Chesapeake Bay Flattie
A Good First Model Ship Kit
For Beginning Model Shipbuilders
In the latest installment of our on-line building project of Midwest Products Chesapeake Bay Flattie model ship kit, we add the cabin.
The simple lines of Chesapeake Bay Flatties made them ideal for fishermen and farmers to build therm from locally-available lumber. This also makes this an ideal ship model kit for a person with no prior wood ship model building experience. The kit comes with die-cut and pre-cut parts, as well as fittings, rigging line, sail material, and a well-done set of instructions and building plans.
While Midwest Products has discontinued its model kits, these kits are often available at a fair price on eBay and Amazon. Model Ship Kit manufacturer Corel also has a nice model of a Flattie and other similar small watercraft that can often be picked up inexpensively on eBay and Amazon.
Click on the links below to visit each stage of construction:
Chapter 1: Assembling the Keel and Bulkheads
Chapter 2: The Deck
Chapter 3: The Mast Step and Bow Stiffeners
Chapter 4: Keel and Chine Strips
Chapter 5: Installing the Cabin
Books Available From The Model Shipwright

Souvenirs de Marine by
François-Edmond Pâris