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The Elements of Wood Ship Construction

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Book title The Elements of Wood Ship Construction Author W.H. Curtis

Souvenirs de Marine Troisième partie

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Souvenirs de Marine Troisième partie by François-Edmond Pâris, model ship, building, maritime history

Ancient and Modern Ships by Sir George C. V. Holmes

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Shipbuilding, Ancient, ships, wooden, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Scandinavian, viking, medieval, vessels, sailing

The Building of a Wooden Ship by Charles G. Davis

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free ship plans, model, shipbuilding, book, Charles G. Davis

Selected Plates from Souvenirs de Marine

Souvenirs de Marine François-Edmond Pâris, ship plans

Read more about the book on our Selected Plates from Souvenirs de Marine page

Purchase Selected Plates from Souvenirs de Marine on Amazon for $9.99


What happened to this book?

Dhow Chasing in Zanzibar Waters, 19th Century, Maritime History, British Royal Navy

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  1. I’m getting back into Scale Model Wooden Ship Building would you recommend any Model Building books and tools that would assist me in getting back into Model Ship Building would be appreciated

  2. I am a little confused as to how many volumes for the Admiral Paris series I have purchased 2 volumes but do not know which volumes they are, one has plates 121to180 the other one has a copy right date of 2013, what am i missing here. THANKS FOR ANY HELP DONFARR

    • Don, the first volume, “Selected Plates From …” has ship plans from the first two volumes of the six-volume set. The text pages in our copies of those volumes were too damaged to reproduce (which is the only reason we could afford them. Good quality copies cost thousands of dollars). “Troisième partie” includes the text and ship plan plates from the third volume. I have yet to find copies of the last three volumes inexpensive enough that I can justify removing the binding for scanning, as that destroys the collectible value of the books.

  3. Just found out about Amazon no longer carrying your books. Might I suggest you self publish? I would be willing to pay a bit more to you direct than to Amazon for these.

    • Thanks for your interest! I’ve been exploring other publishing options, but IRL writing projects have been interfering with this project.

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