Third Volume of Historic Series Available in Paperback
Souvenirs de Marine Troisième partie by François-Edmond Pâris
An indispensable reference for maritime historians, model ship builders
What happened to this book?
Souvenirs de Marine. Collection de Plans ou Dessins de Navires et de Bateaux Anciens ou Modernes Existants ou Disparus avec les éléments numériques nécessaores à leur construction” (A Record of Navy: Collection of plans or drawings of vessels and of boats ancient or modern, existing or disappeared, with the numerical elements necessary for their construction) is considered by many to be the seminal work of French Royal Navy Vice-Admiral François-Edmond Pâris.
This is “Troisième partie” the third part of six volumes, containing plates 121 to 180 reproduced in original French.
Born March 6, 1806 in Paris, François-Edmond Pâris had a long career as a French naval officer during which he made significant contributions to naval engineering during the transition from sail to steam. During his voyages around the globe he measured, drew plans, and created watercolor paintings of the rapidly vanishing sailing ships of both empires and indigenous peoples.
Promoted to vice-admiral in 1864, Pâris headed the navy’s archives until 1871, when he retired from naval service and became director of the Musée national de la Marine (National Museum of the Navy), where he organized the collections and acquired new items. This work led to the publishing of “Souvenirs de marine conservés.”
Because of the cultural significance of this book we have republished it in its original form, maintaining original pagination. While we have meticulously optimized each page, due to the limits of scanner technology and the deterioration of the original, there may be some spots where reproduction is less than the clarity of a newly-published book. We feel this is an acceptable compromise to present the book to readers in the format in which it was published.
Souvenirs de Marine. Collection de Plans ou Dessins de Navires et de Bateaux Anciens ou Modernes Existants ou Disparus avec les éléments numériques nécessaores à leur construction Troisième partie is no longer available on Amazon. Why?
Still available on Amazon:’s Selected Plates from Souvenirs de Marine which features more than 90 plates from the first two volumes of the 1882 François-Edmond Pâris work “Souvenirs de marine.”
The plates include more than 130 ship plans for warships, merchant & fishing vessels and small craft from all over the world, with a heavy emphasis on Europe and Asia.