Episode 9: Adding the Side Planks

I erred during the construction of the rear deck. It should have rested on top of the transom, rather that inboard of it. I will have to fix this with scrap wood later. Fitting the side planks is another tedious step of trimming and testing. It’s especially strange at the bow where it overlaps the bottom plank slightly to create a spray guard. I’m not sure how the original builder was able to use pins to hold the planks in place, it doesn’t work for me, so I end up using my hands for most of it. Not particularly elegant a solution.
Episode 1: The Building Board
Episode 2: Building up the keel
Episode 3: Adding the formers and sheers
Episode 4: Adding the chines
Episode 5: Adding the bottom planks
Episode 6: Removing the hull from the building board
Episode 7: Adding the center deck
Episode 8: Adding the side decks
Episode 9 Adding the side planks
Episode 10: Trimming the side planks
Episode 11: Adding the rear deck
Episode 12: Filling and sanding the hull
Episode 13: Adding the cabin formers
Episode 14: Adding the fore cabin sides and tops
Episode 15: A workaround to a mistake made in Episode 13