Saugatuck was a workhorse that served from 1943 to 1974

Representative of the tanker class T2-SE-A1, Saugatuck and her 481 sister ships in the class were the workhorses of the U.S. Navy during World War II. These tankers, built under the Maritime Commission’s Emergency Program between 1942 and 1945, serviced the U.S. Navy fleets across the globe. The Saugatuck served from 1943 to 1974.[1]

[1] This vessel was recorded under the Historic American Engineering Record, a project of the National Park Service. The project was directed by Todd Croteau, HAER Maritime Program coordinator. The drawings were delineated by Crystal Olin, HAER intern architect and Ashley T. Walker, contract architect. Photos were created by Jet Lowe, HAER photographer. Erhard Koehler of the U.S. Maritime Administration assisted in the project. More information is available at the Library of Congress HAER call record VA128.