This interesting vessel is an indigenous boat from Brazil’s Bay of All Saints. It was recorded by François-Edmond Pâris in the first volume of his six-volume seminal work “Souvenirs de marine. Collection de plans ou dessins de navires et de bateaux anciens ou modernes existants ou disparus avec les éléments numériques nécessaores à leur construction.”
It is included in our compilation of more than 90 plates from the first two volumes in our book “Selected Plates from Souvenirs de Marine.” The plates include more than 130 ship plans for warships, merchant & fishing vessels and small craft from all over the world, with a heavy emphasis on Europe and Asia.
We indexed the book several ways so that readers can find vessels by plate number, type of illustrated vessel, name of vessel, and country/region of the vessel. The book also includes an appendix valuable to the novice explaining how to “read” a ship plan, as well as a biography of Pâris and a bibliography of his work.
You can read more about the book here or order it on Amazon here.
Books available from The Model Shipwright.com

Souvenirs de Marine by
François-Edmond Pâris