First rate French sailing ship refitted with steam power

The French first rate warship Ville de Paris began construction in 1807, but was not launched as a sailing ship until 1850, due to an interruption in construction that lasted until 1847. [1]

After serving in the Mediterranean, she went on to serve in the Crimean War. She participated in the blockade of the Black Sea in 1854 and the shelling of the city of Odessa. In July 1854 a cholera epidemic broke out onboard, and by August she had lost 140 crewmen to the disease. In October she launched the bombardment of Sevastopol during which she took a beating, including the destruction of her poop deck by enemy shells, killing two sailors and inuring a half dozen more. By the end of the engagement, 47 men were out of action.

She returned to the Mediterranean at the beginning of 1855 where she served several years before being retrofitted with a 600 horsepower steam engine in 1857. During the conversion she was also lengthened 5.38 meters. These plans include those changes. She was relaunched in 1858 and served until 1865. In 1870 she was transformed into a transport ship. From 1881 to 1898 she served as the pontoon-barracks of the marine infantry of Toulon. She was demolished in 1898 after 48 years at sea.

[1] accessed 05/03/2021